Winter Newsletter 2013

Winter Newsletter 2013


As the grueling month of February lays siege to the Rocky Mountains, Design After Dark │ CIRQUE brings some color and sparkle back to the Mile High City. This yearly event which benefits the Design Council of the Denver Art Museum brings out a stylish crowd to bid on over 30 unique objects created for auction by some of Denver’s best architects, designers, artists and others. The auction night party on Friday, February 8 is expected to sell out so get your tickets early.

Design After Dark

Circadian, our donated piece in vegetable-tanned aniline dyed white cow-hide, follows our assigned show-theme of contortion. This sculptural form is a physical representation of the changing length of the days. Each segment of the spiral increases/decreases in diameter and width – resulting in something both contorted and cyclic. Although it gives the appearance of great complexity, Circadian was created using only two continuous pieces of hide.



Index Dimensional wool felt and cork wall covering is heading for sunny Mexico! Diana Reta, principal of Mexico-based design and representation firm Esetel S.A. de C.V. will be showing a range of Submaterial products at EDI:  Expo Diseño Interiorismo February 27 through March 1, 2013. This international exhibition focuses on furniture and interior design accessories, as well as the latest in architecture and design.

Index Dimensional

Annual Sale

Our spring newsletter published in April will reveal the dates of our annual sale. This is your once-per-year chance to get smaller and one-of-a-kind Submaterial panels and accessories at great prices. We will be announcing some of the available pieces only through Facebook so be sure to visit and like our page.

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