Next up in our blog series, 5 Things, let's meet Jennica! This series highlights our fantastic employees and some of the things they are into at the moment. Today we are featuring Jennica, our social media and marketing specialist, who joined the Submaterial team this spring. She is a new New Mexican, moving here from Alaska in the fall of 2022. She is also a talented photographer who has been taking gorgeous photos of our products. Check out the photos and Jennica's spooky antics on the Submaterial Instagram.

1. I’ve always been a tea drinker, but I got hooked on Milk Oolong tea while working in a teashop. It is not an everyday tea, so I drink it as a treat when feeling fancy. I hesitate to say it’s my favorite because I frankly like too many teas and can't just pick one!
2. This is my first time living outside of my home state, so I’ve been thoroughly enjoying finding new little spots (especially cafes!) and exploring around New Mexico. I really enjoyed going to Bandelier National Monument this spring and learning about all of the local plant life and animals. I still get very excited when I see roadrunners!
3. I spend a lot of time editing photos, and I like to multi-task by listening to audiobooks. My favorite authors to listen to lately have been Brandon Sanderson, Becky Chambers, and Neil Gaiman, I love immersive fictional worlds I can get lost in. A Psalm for the Wild Built has been my favorite thing I’ve read so far in 2023!
4. I’m so excited for Halloween and having excuses to make more costumes! Not that I need excuses, but anything costume-related, I am in. I’m working on making Hogarth’s outfit from the Iron Giant. My sister is coming to visit me, and we’re going to be Koroks from Zelda for Halloween!
5. My current favorite Submaterial product is Meso, especially in the rich dark green. It is so graphic and just very classic. Every time I walk past the Meso that hangs in our studio, I can’t help but stare at it.